Mechanism of action

The bioactives have been shown to act at various levels of blood glucose regulation; crucial steps acted upon by them are,

  • Supports the body’s natural insulin response and promotes the maintenance of healthy pancreatic function.
  • Increasing the number of insulin receptors in the peripheral tissues
  • Supports healthy glucose metabolism and the body’s natural insulin response.
  • Inhibiting the activities of blood sugar modulating enzymes viz., α-amylase, α-glucosidase and sucrase

Tsai HY, Ho CT, Chen YK. (2017) Biological actions and molecular effects of resveratrol, pterostilbene, and 3′-hydroxypterostilbene. J Food Drug Anal 25(1):134‐147.

Pterostilbene is a derivative of resveratrol and is more bioavailable and bioactive than resveratrol. Many of the studies have shown the helpfulness of the component in supporting healthy blood sugar management and normal function of insulin animal models. The studies involving type-1 diabetic models have shown that pterostilbene improves normal levels of liver glycogen content, support the healthy pancreatic islet architecture, and improve healthy immune interactions. In type 2 diabetic animal models, the supplementation of the pterostilbene has been shown to influence the healthy level of liver glucokinase, glucose-6-phosphatase, fructose-1,6-biphosphatase activities, which are very crucial in managing the normal blood glucose levels. Along with supporting glucose metabolism, it has been shown to efficiently improve the healthy serum levels of cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and triglycerides.

Gómez-Zorita S, Milton-Laskíbar I, Aguirre L, Fernández-Quintela A, Xiao J, Portillo MP. Effects of Pterostilbene on Diabetes, Liver Steatosis and Serum Lipids. Curr Med Chem. 2020.